Friday 27 January 2012

Thursday 29 September 2011

The Shining Light

On a recent Melbourne-to-Hobart flight I had a window seat. But it was above the middle of the wing and facing into the mid-afternoon sun. Not ideal for photography, I thought, but at least I had my camera with me and kept looking. From above a scattering of billowing, showery clouds the view was dominated by the stark shadows of clouds on the water.

I took a tissue, cleaned the inside of the window and made sure the lens was clean. Aiming slightly backwards I was able to frame views between the wing and the distortions of the multi-layered plastic aeroplane window. Given this narrow view I simply watched and waited for a scene to come into view.
The results have deep saturated blues, shimmering pale yellow and orange tinges with the brightest areas rendered almost without colour.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Simplicity is not so simple

I've been thinking about composition a fair bit recently, for various reasons.
One way to create impact and a pleasing composition is to simplify like this:

But simplification can lead to a lack of context and the loss of interesting detail that supports the main subject.
Leaving it all in makes a mess, but a satisfying one to me:

Friday 2 September 2011

Outdoor photography tuition around Hobart, Tasmania.

At last! After many years teaching, judging and presenting talks about photography while indoors,
I'm now offering one-on-one outdoor photography tuition around Hobart, Tasmania.
You might have read magazines, studied books or sat in a classroom. But the best way to take your outdoor photography to the next level is with one-on-one practical instruction with an experienced photographer and teacher. Imagine hours of fun and challenging tuition that is carefully designed to suit your level of knowledge and your interests. No getting lost in technicalities, no wasting time on things you already know, no getting left behind or waiting for others in a group to catch up.

Bring your own equipment or let me provide it all.

Choose an hour of tuition, a full day or anything in between.

Tuition options:

Working with Light and Colour

Creative Challenges

Detail and the Macro World


Black and White, Infrared and Pinhole

Composition and Subject Selection

Getting Technical

Image Review and Critique

Long Exposures

Editing in Photoshop / Elements

Night Lights

Total cost is $30 per hour and includes the use of all cameras, lenses and accessories as required,
computer as required, insurance and transport. All day tuition also includes food and drink.

For more information please send a request to: awphoto2010(at)