Friday 19 August 2011

Cookie Cutter

Just experimenting with an iPod touch and a few apps. Not really my cup of tea but an interesting way of forcing oneself to think outside the box and trying to do something unique with very common “tools”. Limited resolution, a very deep depth-of-field, a set focal length and a hard-to-hold device are some of the challenges to overcome.

These two through-the-viewfinder (ttv) images were made with an app called TtV Camera. The first seemed suited to the gloomy overcast view through a dirty window! Most of the TtV “templates” are too dirty for my taste but otherwise realistic. Or as realistic as a digital iPod camera using low-res cookie-cutter templates trying to emulate the view through an old film camera finder can be!

The image below was made with a very interesting app called Slow Shutter and a little hand panning.

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